I. Responsible for the protection of your personal data.

Vacacionando.com S.A. de C.V. hereinafter referred as Share Sunset, with address in Boulevard Kukulcan, km 7, Block 42, Lot 13, Top Floor, Hotel Zone, Zip Code 77500, Cancun Quintana Roo, Mexico, is responsible for the collection and use of the personal data (information about Facebook profile), of all the interacting user of Facebook: “Share Sunset” (www.facebook.com/share.sunset/), in terms of the rules established by the Mexican Federal Law for Data Protection of Private Individuals (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares LFPDPPP), and the provisions established by articles 1º, 3º and 5º of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).

II. Data collected and use of the information requested from our customers.

The general personal data, such as Facebook profile images and videos collected through this social network, including the personal data collected from our chatbot of our guests, will be treated by Share Sunset essentially to provide information about the activities and events held throughout the year at the program and also information of the different resorts and services of Sunset World Group, including contact to those people who wishes to apply for a vacancy offered by Share Sunset.

We also inform you the personal data collected from the users (including the images and videos) and all the data and information posted by the users of our social network, as individuals or in a Facebook group, is published on their own account and is subjected to the terms and conditions established by the social network provider (Facebook®). Share Sunset will use this information to answer the requests and questions asked by the users and to contact them in case they request so. Regardless the above, if you voluntarily provide any of this information Share Sunset assures it will be used with strict confidentiality.

Use of Images treated by Share Sunset

The images (videos & photographs) and all the personal data published in our Facebook profile, are published to document, and communicate, to all the users and visitors the activities, services and experiences of our customers, guest, and vacation club members at the Sunset World Resorts.

Instant messenger conversations

The general personal data (identification, contact, travel preferences and interests) collected by our executives and through our software based on artificial intelligence to process conversations with our customers, are used for the fundamental purposes of contacting users interested in our services, sending them information and offers, sending them data about locations and to answer their requests, clarifying doubts and sending them specific information about Share Sunset programs. For more information about the collection and management of their personal data they can review our full privacy notice following the directions stated in the next section.

III. Mechanism to access to our Full Privacy Notice.

If you wish to kwon the terms and conditions of the treatment of your personal data, the holders of personal data collected by Share Sunset may request to access, correct, cancel (should this be legally appropriate) and oppose the use of their personal data, as well as to withdraw their consent. To exercise these rights or need more information regarding the use of your personal data, please consult our Full Privacy Notice in our websites:


In the Privacy Notice section.

This Privacy Notice is effective from the date indicated in this document and may be modified on a discretionary basis by Share Sunset, in terms of the LFPDPPP and its regulations, any amendment will be communicated by posting the new Privacy Notice in our Facebook profile.

Last Update: November 1st, 2023


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